The Best In-Ear Monitors (IEMs) to Start 2024
As 2023 comes to a close, join us as we take a look back at the in-ear monitors (IEMs) worth talking about to begin 2024. From $20 to $5,000, you're sure to find something to elevate your listening experience.

As 2023 comes to a close, here at The Audio Files we like to take a look back at the in-ear monitors (IEMs) worth talking about to begin 2024. In this installment of our bi-annual IEM buyers guides, we’ve kept much of the same format and principles as our Summer 2023 guide but added a few new options at the high end this time around.
How We Chose
No matter your budget, the IEMs in this buyer's guide represent some of the best that this hobby has to offer to date. With emphasis on some. The personal audio hobby, particularly in the IEM space, is vast. We’ve tried most of the IEMs worth talking about in the past 5 years to create this guide. While we could’ve included a few other IEMs we liked here, we really had to narrow it down to a select few. There are sure to be lesser-known models from talented designers across the globe that we’ve never had the chance to try. And truly, that’s the heart of this hobby - individuals trying out new gear and sharing their thoughts with the wider audio community all in the pursuit of great sound.
Before we start, here’s a summary of our approach from that original buyer’s guide:
When it comes to headphones and IEMs, tuning is king. Tuning can be best thought of generally as the “sound profile” of an audio product, and every headphone or IEM has a frequency response that describes a measurement of its sound profile. This isn’t the article to delve into specifics but suffice it to say that without a favorable tuning, it becomes hard to recommend a product. IEMs makers have gotten extremely good at tuning IEMs in recent years and below are a sample of some of the best options.
However, tuning isn’t everything when it comes to sound quality - there is also its technical ability. For example, soundstage, imaging, and resolution are common descriptors of performance. While price is not correlated with sound quality (there’s a lot of bad products out there!), for the items listed in this article you can think of them as a general step up in technical ability in each segment. With diminishing returns, of course.
Decisions, Decisions
In behavioral economics, there is a concept known as The Paradox of Choice. In short, it means that when presented with so many options, it can actually be harder for an individual to make a decision. They may end up stuck in analysis paralysis. Nowhere is this more true today than in the budget IEM space where countless new products pop-up every month.
Remember: if you don’t see a popular IEM here it doesn’t mean that we necessarily think it’s bad. Honestly, the market today has progressed so much and is so competitive that almost anything you see highly recommended nowadays is going to be rather decent. We’re just trying to keep things nice and easy for this article. Paradox be gone.
Best IEMs Up to $100
We’ll give you a few straightforward options. Don’t worry too much about their technical performance; for the most part, they’re all within the same ballpark.
Image credit to 7Hertz’s Facebook page
7Hz Salnotes Zero 2 - $25
The 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2 is highly influential community member Crinacle’s follow-up to his original $20 benchmark Salnotes Zero. Minor tweaks were made to have more bass and better controlled treble, creating an even more pleasant and enjoyable sound signature. The Salnotes Zero 2 is sure to be the starting point for a long audio journey for many people. The only complaint we have is that its fit isn’t quite for everyone.
Watch Resolve’s review over at The Headphone Show
Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED - $55
Another Crinacle collaboration product, the Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED is one of the best-tuned budget IEMs around with its neutral plus sub-bass tuning. What sets it apart is its excellent bass quality and a very well-controlled treble response when compared to the rest of the competition. Plus it comes with a fun little Bass+ adapter for more oomph if you’re into that. Just note that the nozzle size is a bit big.
Read Fc-Construct's review here
Truthear Hexa - $80
Truthear is one of the hottest names around in the budget IEM space and you’ll be seeing their name a lot. Though its tuning and timbre isn’t quite on par with the RED, the Truthear Hexa makes up for it by having one of the best technical performances on display in this price range. It’s not our first pick, but if you’re concerned with the RED’s fit, the Hexa is the way to go.
Watch Resolve’s review over at The Headphone Show.
Etymotic ER2XR - $100
The Etymotic ER2XR has a presentation that is utterly unique - an extremely in-your-head sound courtesy of its notorious ultra-deep fit triple-flange tips. If you don’t mind the fit, the ER2XR continues to be one of the best bang-for-your-bucks IEMs on the market. It follows Etymotic’s modern interpretation of the classic Diffuse Field tuning. And it’s better. The overall sound here is a reference-oriented one with a touch of oomph down-low. Though the bass is lacking in texture, it is quite clean with adequate slam. While some might find the ER2XR’s midrange abundance overly forward, its laser-sharp focus on vocal performance sets it apart from the competition. The only knock against the ER2XR would be its rolled-off treble response and very narrow imaging.
Samsung Galaxy Buds FE - $100
For those looking for a wireless option and only really use IEMs on the go, the recently released Samsung Galaxy Buds FE is a very reasonable choice, provided you have a Samsung device to pair it with. It comes stock with a bassy profile and a more balanced tuning in the Clear preset EQ option. It has a fairly relaxed upper midrange that’s easy to listen to without any real deal breakers. While its sound quality isn’t quite as good as the previous options, the wireless convenience and tech features like ANC and Ambient/Transparency modes make up the difference.
Read Fc-Construct’s review here
P.S: For those wondering where the Truthear Hola is in this section… unfortunately it’s been discontinued. The 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2 has taken its place.
P.P.S: We previously had the CCA CRA+ in this list too but given its parent company KZ’s questionable marketing practices and tendency make meaningful changes to the product without notice, we’ve stopped recommending them.
Best IEMs Under $250
Truthear Nova and the Harmans ~ $100 - $250
The Truthear Nova continues the race-to-the-bottom mentality that has gripped the budget IEM industry. The Nova effectively offers the same Harman-tuning of the $520 MoonDrop Variations at only $150. Of course, they don’t sound identical. Some would call the Nova a “baby Variations”. But price isn’t correlated with quality and in some cases, you might even prefer the Nova’s technical presentation. Either way, it’s well worth a recommendation given the significant value it offers. For those who enjoy the Harman-style IEM tuning, the Nova might just be the perfect stopping point.
But it’s not just the Nova. There’s been an explosion of Harman-like IEMs such as the Simgot EM6L, Binary Acoustics x Gizaudio Chopin, and Kiwi Ears Quintet. They’re all excellent options and will really depend on just how closely you’d like your IEM to sound like the (in)famous Harman in-ear target. The Nova is the closest rendition but for those wanting a bit more midbass presence, be sure to explore reviews of these other options.
Read Listener’s review | Watch Resolve’s review
7Hz Timeless and the Planars ~ $100 - $250
In 2021, the 7Hz Timeless ushered in the planar IEM revolution. The Timeless was the world's first competent planar IEM that clocked in at a highly competitive price of $220. With a generally pleasant tonality and excellent technical performance marked by great clarity, it's little wonder that the Timeless made a name for itself in the IEM market. Soon after, a rush of me-too products followed suit. You can see Resolve’s review here comparing a number of the most popular models. Because they share a similar 14.2/14.8 mm planar driver, they generally have a similar sound to one another. There’s quite a wide variety of options and prices so it should be easy to find one that fits your tastes and budget. Almost any one you pick will be a solid choice. Just note that the treble of these planars are where they most differ from one another so be sure to exercise a bit of due diligence in case one model might be a little too intense. For example, the Letshuoer S12 is extremely popular but has quite a bit of a bite in the mid-treble. The Tin HiFi P1 Max on the other hand is a warmer, more subdued choice.
Read Fc-Construct’s review | Read Precogvision’s review
Best IEMs Under $1,000
With how much the market has evolved, midrange stalwarts are slowly being forgotten. The IEM landscape has started to really shift towards either ends of the price range: budget or kilobuck. As such, the recommendations we have here are no longer the “best value” options, but instead are products we still enjoy and think you might too.
MoonDrop x Crinacle Blessing 2: Dusk / MoonDrop Blessing 3
Marking yet another Crinacle IEM on this list, the MoonDrop x Crinacle Blessing 2:Dusk was his first truly successful collaboration product that subsequently kicked off the current reviewer collab craze. Compared to the original Blessing 2 that the Dusk improves upon, it adds a much needed sub-bass lift and follows a neutral tonality onwards, minus the treble which could definitely use some more extension and has something of a mid-treble recession.
This year, MoonDrop released the Blessing 3 as a direct successor to the Blessing 2 at the same price. It undoubtedly improves upon the Blessing 2 or Dusk in its technical performance, particularly in having a notably tighter bass response and extended treble response. However, it does so at the cost of the Dusk’s superb tonality, with the Blessing 3 taking on a thinner, more strident sound. Moreso than the Nova and Variations. But don’t worry, Crinacle is currently developing his own version of the Blessing 3 so stay tuned!
Precogvision’s Blessing 3 Review | Goldensound’s Blessing 3 Review Video | Precogvision’s Dusk Review | Fc-Construct’s Dusk Review
Moondrop Blessing 3 In-Ear Headphones
DUNU SA6 - $550
The DUNU SA6 made quite a splash when it was released years ago. With 6 balanced armatures, it has been affectionately referred to by reviewers as a "baby” version of the highly acclaimed 64 Audio U12t and qdc Anole VX. It has a highly enjoyable balanced tonal profile with a minor lower treble dip to take the edge off any harshness and sibilance. On a technical level, the SA6 has above-average BA bass and a slightly "wet" characteristic in the way its transients are articulated, thus circumventing some of that maligned BA timbre characteristic. The SA6's biggest weaknesses would be its treble extension, imaging performance, and resolving ability in the face of the market’s relentless push towards price/performance. But despite its falling behind in technical qualities, the SA6 is still such a comfortable, easygoing listen that Fc-Construct still carries it around whenever he travels.
Read Precogvision’s Review | Watch Resolve’s SA6 Review
Dunu TopSound Studio SA6 In-Ear Headphones
Hisenior Mega5EST - $550
If you’ve been keeping up with all the changes to headphone and IEM measurement systems and are keen on getting something that follows the new targets and preference bounds, the Hisenior Mega5EST is for you. Ironically, this IEM has actually been out for a couple of years now but has flown under the radar given a simple lack of marketing and access to reviewers. While its technical performance isn’t anything to write home about, you’ll be hard pressed to find another non-Harman based IEM tuned this closely to the research regarding listeners’ preference bounds. In fact, its tuning is almost identical to the most expensive IEM on our list: the Subtonic Storm.
Symphonium x Nightjar Meteor - $600
The Meteor is Symphonium’s interpretation of a more fun, U-shaped tuning. U-shape tuning is always a difficult profile to nail: it requires a controlled boost to the sub-bass regions and excellent treble extension which was something that was considered foreign (and still is) to the vast majority of IEMs on the market. The Meteor nails these requisites for the most part, and if you’re looking for a wholly musical sound, and willing to trade a bit of detail, then this is the ticket at the ~$600 price point. Symphonium has also taken a lot of the criticisms of their flagship, the Helios, and its ergonomics to heart. Listeners with smaller ears can rest assured that the Meteor will likely fit them while not making sacrifices in the sound quality department.
Precogvision’s Review | Resolve’s Review | Live Q&A Review with Resolve | Fc-Construct’s Review
Symphonium Audio x NightJar Meteor In-Ear Headphones
MoonDrop S8 - $700
The S8 is MoonDrop’s foremost technical performer, sporting sharp resolution and pinpoint precise imaging. This IEM's other standout would be its treble response; while not the smoothest, it's definitely some of the most extended treble you'll find at this price point. We’d stay away if you're after a warmer, more "musical" listen, but the fact that MoonDrop themselves have put the successor to the S8 on the back burner because "we can't improve upon the S8 right now" (to paraphrase) should speak wonders to this IEM's sonic prowess. Did we mention how pretty those shells look too?
7th Acoustics Supernova - $750
The 7th Acoustics Supernova surprised Precogvision, especially given that it’s produced by an obscure boutique brand out of Indonesia. But make no mistake, the Supernova is definitely legit. It has one of the most pleasant tunings that he has heard in an IEM, and this reflects in its frequency response which is completely devoid of any egregious peaks or valleys. In fact, the Supernova is reminiscent of good speakers (which usually measure flat) in the sense that cranking the volume on it is almost effortless. Now, the Supernova definitely isn’t the last word in technicalities, but it’s no slouch in this department either for $750. If you’re after the possible king of tonality, the closest that you’ll find to a tonal panacea, this is an IEM well-worth giving a listen. But you might need to have some patience, as each Supernova is built by hand!
Best IEMS Under $2,000
Fact: You don’t need to spend thousands to have an awesome listening experience. Great audio is readily accessible these days and the first half of this article was meant to help you find just that. With many affordable options then, why would someone want to spend so much on high-end products? Simply put, audio is a very personal hobby and there is a broad spectrum of individual preferences when it comes to sound. A pitfall of the current IEM market, especially when it comes to more entry-level products, is that they are well-tuned but converge into a similar sound. In contrast, some of the more expensive, boutique IEMs often cater to the aforementioned variety in listener preference. This means that they often sport tunings that might be more polarizing, but they can offer technical qualities (such as resolution, imaging, soundstage, and dynamics) that would otherwise rarely be seen in conventional tunings.
Ultimately, then, the goal of high-end IEMs is to strike the perfect balance between tonality and unique technical qualities. Unfortunately, there are a lot of expensive IEMs out there that fail to do so. In this section, we’ll be sharing a variety of IEMs that we think deliver an experience worth talking about.
Thieaudio Monarch MKII or MKIII - $1,000
Gatekeepers to the kilobuck space, the Thieaudio Monarch MKII and MKIII have earned their place on this list. The MKII is a strong all-rounder with minor flaws in being a touch too forward in the upper mids and treble. The MKIII is much the same as the MKII but with more midbass oomph and upper treble zing. Between the two, the MKII is the safer bet but the MKIII has a sheer resolution advantage. The biggest knock against them is their fairly weak bass performance for kilobuck contenders. But if you're after a forward, high-clarity presentation, then these are two very solid options.
Read Fc-Construct’s comparison review | Read Precogvision’s review
64 Audio U4s - $1,100
The U4s is 64 Audio’s most affordable universal IEM. But don’t let the price tag fool you. In many respects, the U4s usurps its older brother, the Nio, while maintaining the classic, 64 Audio house sound. The U4s is tuned in U-shaped fashion with a strong emphasis on sub-bass and upper-treble for an exciting yet controlled sound. The addition of a dynamic driver completes what some might affectionately describe as a “baby U12t with a DD”. Of course, no IEM is perfect and some listeners might be predisposed to find issues with the more reserved upper-midrange tuning or find the U4s too bright. But the addition of three APEX modules (swappable modules that control the level of bass) offers the potential for plenty of fine-tuning. Without a doubt, the 64 Audio U4s is our first recommendation for anyone looking for something in the kilobuck range.
Precogvision’s Written and Video Review | Fc-Construct’s Impressions vs the Nio
64 Audio U4s In-Ear Headphones
Symphonium Helios - $1,100
The Helios is an IEM for listeners who like their IEM to demand attention. The Helios has a classic neutral-bright signature. Its presentation is clean with a slight upper-midrange emphasis and a (better than) class-leading treble response. That said, it does have a bit of disjointed feel in the mid-bass/lower-mids transition due to a 200 Hz recession. Beyond that, the Helios has almost zero weaknesses in the technical department: sharp leading edges to notes, notable micro-contrast, and incisive, slightly out-of-head imaging. The only thing that holds us back from unequivocally recommending the Helios is its fit - it’s just a little too large for some ears. But if you can get around that, it is our humble opinion that the Helios is one of the best sounding reference IEMs for the price.
Fc-Construct’s Review | Precogvision’s Review
Symphonium Audio Helios In-Ear Headphones
Nightjar Singularity - $1,300
The Nightjar Singularity asks the question: what happens when you take a superbly well-tuned single dynamic driver IEM and add bass to it? A lot, a lot of bass. This is an IEM for bassheads that don’t want to compromise on timbral performance. And there’s nothing else to it; the Singularity is a pure, single-minded IEM. While it won’t have the final word in any technical parameter, it puts on a satisfactory performance that doesn’t detract from its main mission of delivering bass. The only nitpick to its bass is a pillowyness in its impact.
Sennheiser IE900 - $1,500
Sennheiser is a legendary name in audio. But unlike their pedigree in headphones, they’ve struggled to find relevance in the modern IEM landscape. Enter the IE900. Sennheiser’s return to the high-end market was marked with arguably the best single dynamic driver IEM out there. The raw quality of its bass, its dynamics and power, easily competes at the highest level. To contrast all of this bass energy, the IE900 has a significant amount of mid-treble elevation. Yet Sennheiser, through meticulous research and design, has managed to do what many companies can only dream of: a bright, lively treble that doesn’t compromise on control. Overall, the IE900 has a vivid U-shaped that’s made for immersion. Unfortunately, the IE900 is not perfect. Namely, its upper midrange structure has an awkward recession that compromises vocal performance. Furthermore, the IE900 doesn’t quite hold up to the U4s or Helios when it comes to resolution or imaging.
While the IE900 isn’t our first choice, it’s definitely one of the best “flavor” IEMs to have in your collection, particularly if you’re open to EQing the midrange. Between the authors of this article, Precogvision has owned one. Fc-Construct is sorely tempted.
Precogvision’s Review | Chrono’s Review
Sennheiser IE 900 In-Ear Headphones
Symphonium Crimson - $1,500
The best way of thinking about the Crimson is like a Symphonium Meteor on steroids. The bass response of the Crimson is incisive like only BA bass can be, yet more impactful than it has any right to be for BA bass. The midrange of the Crimson has some refinement compared to the Meteor; it has more upper-midrange presence for more bite. The upper-treble is slightly contentious on the Crimson (a tad too thin at times compared to the thicker midrange) but the IEM does benefit a lot from tip swapping. Overall, the Crimson’s sound is highly colored yet undoubtedly delivers when it comes to technicalities too. In particular, the sense of dynamics it is able to deliver might be the gold standard for its price point. The Crimson is a slap in the face to common driver stereotypes, and it’s the best-sounding 4BA IEM Precogvision has heard so far.
Elysian Diva - $1,500
This IEM stole the show for Precogvision at CanJam Singapore 2022, so much so that he purchased a CIEM version on the spot. After nearly six months of waiting, the several months with it in his ears since have convinced him that it merits entry on this list. The Diva’s “gimmick” is a bass dial which allows for three distinctive signatures. But unlike with many other IEMs, he actually finds himself using the different modes. The common denominator between every setting is that the Diva sounds exciting, contrasty, and with a slightly-artificial-but-desirable coloration to timbre. Indeed, the Diva is a superstar for anything with female vocals; the real question is whether you’re willing to play the waiting game for this excellent IEM.
Best IEMs Over $2,000
64 Audio U12t - $2,000
It had to make the list. The 64 Audio U12t remains one of our favorite IEMs, and it’s made its mark in the audio community as the perennial flagship benchmark. The U12t really makes so few mistakes thanks to its slightly warm, yet clean tonality with a touch of spice up top in the upper-treble. And it's no technical slouch either, from its superb BA bass, impactful center imaging, and authoritative macro-dynamics. Listeners seeking a more forward sound, particularly in the upper-midrange, might be suited elsewhere, but it’s difficult to go wrong with the U12t. It's for these reasons that the U12t is the first IEM that we’d recommend to anyone with money to spend and isn’t exactly sure of what they want.
Fc-Construct’s Review | Precogvision’s Review | Resolve’s Review | Goldensound’s Video Review
64 Audio U12t In-Ear Headphones
Empire Ears Odin - $3,400
Whereas most of Empire Ears' IEMs are distinctive for being V-shaped bass cannons, the Empire Ears Odin eschews this trend, falling more along the lines of neutral with sub-bass boost. Moving onwards, it sports a pronounced emphasis to the pinna compensation and upper-midrange whilst not straying into unwanted thinness, lending to strong center imaging and a present, crystal-clear midrange. The Odin is sure to impress on first listen in this regard, even if some might find it toeing the line. The treble of the Odin is also remarkably controlled if not a little soft in attack (which does benefit coherency at least). The prime weakness of the Odin would lie in its macro-dynamics which veer toward unwanted loudness; however, there can be no doubt that the Odin is an IEM that comfortably rests at the top.
Precogvision’s Review | Resolve’s Review
Empire Ears Odin In-Ear Headphones
Elysian Annihilator - $3,500
Looking for an IEM that'll have you at the edge of your seat every time you hear it? Then the Annihilator should be the first IEM on your list. The Annihilator's standout is its treble response; it has almost linear extension and the lightning quick tactility that true electrostatics like the Shure KSE1200 deliver. The general dynamics and transients on the Annihilator are also nothing short of extraordinary. It articulates dynamic swings quickly and with superb macro-contrast, only falling short in the micro-contrast department wherein it has some compression to its individual instrument lines. But no matter - give it up for one of the select few IEMs to blow us away. The Annihilator 2023 cranks up the level of the sub-bass even more compared to the 2021 version.
Price is No Object
Subtonic Storm - $5,200
What do you have to do to be the best IEM in the world? While we don’t have a true answer for you, we do have a bit of insight: Do something no one has ever done. And do it well. That is the Subtonic Storm.
Fc-Construct describes it as a cross between the Focal Utopia and the 64 Audio U12t. Precogvision hears it as the acclaimed Genelec speakers in IEM form. Either way, the Storm is an IEM that compels us to listen to it again and again. The explosiveness and physicality of its dynamics is unlike anything currently in the market. It ups the ante on practically every technical parameter that the U12t excelled in. Despite a studio-reference tuning that’s downright normal for its astronomical asking price, the sheer gusto of its presentation transforms familiar songs into a whole new listening experience. To put it another way, though diminishing returns creep ever closer in IEMs, the Storm is a perfect representation of why exotic ultra-high end IEMs still exist.
Fc-Construct wrote about a sneak preview at CanJam NYC 2023 | Precogvision’s Full Review
If you read this far, you probably fall into one of three camps:
- You’re looking to plan your next upgrade and are scoping out what the high-end holds.
- You just want to see what the pinnacle of audio looks like.
- You own a top-tier IEM yourself and want to know if it made the list.
Well, to group #3, if your favorite, mega-expensive IEM didn’t make this list, then don’t feel too bad. We can’t emphasize enough that audio is a very personal hobby and what we primarily index for is a tasteful balance between tonality and technicalities. As with anything, it’s always a compromise between qualities. While great IEMs help mitigate just how much needs to be sacrificed, we don’t live in a perfect world. Everyone will have their own preferences in how much one trait is traded-off in favor of another. That is fundamentally the raison d'etre of this hobby - an individual’s pursuit of perfect sound. Your perfect sound. Not someone else’s.
And keep in mind, neither of us have heard everything out there. The biggest challenge facing reviewers is time and access; reviewing is a hobby we enjoy outside of our day jobs and we just plain don’t have the ability to hear everything. But from what we’ve tried, this is our IEM buyers guide to start 2024. For more resources check out our reviews here at The Audio Files, over at The Headphone Show on YouTube, and join our Discord server where we have a great community of audio enthusiasts happy to talk about all things audio.