What is DETAIL in IEMs?
What does it actually mean when someone says one headphone is more than detailed than another? Our reviewer Precogvision weighs in with his opinion on the matter from the perspective of IEMs.
Visiting HEDD Audio's Factory in Berlin - Inside the German Speaker and Headphone Manufacturer's Headquarters with GoldenSound
GoldenSound heads to HEDD audio in Berlin to find out what makes AMT drivers so different to other technologies, and the history behind the innovation.
CanJam NYC 2024: Precog's Show Report
Precogvision shares thoughts from his first time in New York City and his listening impressions of IEMs at the popular audio show, CanJam.
Are Custom IEMs worth it vs. Traditional IEMs?
Precogvision breaks down whether it makes sense to invest in a pair of custom in-ear-monitors versus tradition universal in-ear-monitors.
Diffuse Field: Calculate, Characterize, Calibrate
Head-Related Transfer Functions have become a common topic of discussion now that Headphones.com have incorporated the Brüel and Kjaer Type 5128 into our roster of measurement fixtures, but some still aren't sure what HRTFs are, how we're using them, or most importantly—why we're using them. Join listener as they break down the myriad reasons why Headphones.com chooses to calibrate measurements using the Diffuse Field HRTF.
A Reviewer's Guide to Understanding Graphs - the B&K 5128 Edition
The introduction of the B&K 5128 measurement system heralded a revolution in the headphone hobby with our visualization of frequency response graphs. But how does it compare to the old GRAS standard and how will calibrated graphs improve our understanding of measurements? In this article, we break it all down for you.
The DUNU Mirai: A Glimpse into the Future
The Mirai was designed to encapsulate the sound of the future. In this article, Precogvision dives deeper into the tuning process and more details about his first collaboration IEM.
Spotify VS Apple Music
GoldenSound dives into the differences between two music streaming giants; Spotify and Apple music, including real world tests of library size and lossless playback ability!
Headphone graphs that can tell you MORE
The way most people read headphone graphs is more often than not incorrect. People far too frequently get the wrong idea. Here is our solution for better data visualization.
CanJam SoCal 2023 - Precog's Show Report
Precog hits CanJam SoCal again. Did he hear any IEMs that caught his ear?
The Shape of IEMs To Come
IEMs sound pretty different to headphones, but why? Why isn't there an "HD 650" of IEMs? Is it even possible to make one? Join listener as they discuss the Brüel and Kjaer Type 5128 Head and Torso Simulator, the previous generation of IEMs, and where we might be heading to capture the sound of over-ear headphones in IEMs.
Bass: The Audiophile's Not-So-Guilty Pleasure
Bass is tough to get right, and it’s crucial to people's enjoyment of music. Many of us have our own take on how bass is best done, but even in acknowledging that preferences may vary wildly: Is there one headphone or IEM that rules them all? Join listener as they explore some of the best, all in search of the answer.
The Case for Comfort: Why Sound Quality Isn't Everything
Is sound quality really the most important quality of a headphone, or could it be something else? Join listener as they share research and hands-on experience in an effort to answer this question, as well as options they feel excel at a variety of things a headphone user may find important.
PlayStation Pulse Elite and Explore: What We Might Expect
The new PlayStation Pulse Elite headset and Explore wireless earbuds: Headphone Expert Breaks Down What We Might Expect