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Sennheiser HD 505: Senn Steps Forward
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Sennheiser HD 505: Senn Steps Forward

With HD 505, Sennheiser demonstrates that they’ve been listening to the criticisms about the HD 560S being too thin and bright... but is it enough for the HD 505 to be a valid alternative to the 6 series?

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Don't Buy Headphones Until You Watch This!

DMS interviews Sennheiser at regarding the HD 505 Copper Edition
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DMS interviews Sennheiser at regarding the HD 505 Copper Edition

Sennheiser's HD 505 is finally here, but DMS has questions for Sennheiser. Join him and Sennheiser's PR Manager Eric Palonen as they discuss the new HD 505 and what this release means for Sennheiser's lineup going forward.

Buying Guide: Best Over-Ear Headphones of 2024
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Buying Guide: Best Over-Ear Headphones of 2024

Join listener as they go over what they believe to be the best options out there for buying over-ear headphones in 2024

Soundstage Is (Much) More Complicated Than You Think
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Soundstage Is (Much) More Complicated Than You Think

Many listeners end up disappointed upon hearing the best headphone soundstage, realizing it's not as big a game-changer as they'd expected. Join listener as they discuss why soundstage is more complicated than we think, and how audiophiles can better manage their expectations and understand this elusive quality.

Video thumbnail for Sennheiser HD 6-series Tier List & Comparison
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Sennheiser HD 6-series Tier List & Comparison

While there's a lot of love surrounding Sennheiser's HD 6 series headphones, there's also a ton of questions. Join Resolve as they endeavor to answer some of the big ones—including unit variation, the importance of pad wear, and how entries in the 6 series deviate depending on the head they're placed on.

Video thumbnail for Closed back showdown! Sennheiser HD620S vs Focal Azurys
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Closed back showdown! Sennheiser HD620S vs Focal Azurys

There are some new heavy-hitters in the world of hi-fi closed back headphones. In this video, DMS compares the new HD620S to the Azurys.

Video thumbnail for Did they make a closed HD600? - Sennheiser HD620S review
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Did they make a closed HD600? - Sennheiser HD620S review

People have been asking Sennheiser for a closed back 6-series headphone for years now, and here it is... but how does it sound?

Grell OAE-1: Why You Shouldn't Care About Soundstage
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Grell OAE-1: Why You Shouldn't Care About Soundstage

Grell's new OAE-1 has some rather unique design goals: extreme openness and frontal driver orientation. Join listener as they evaluate the headphone, the theoretical underpinnings of its design and marketing, and why consumers should be a lot more skeptical when a headphone is claimed to have "speaker-like soundstage".

Sennheiser HD 620S - Perhaps Unexciting, But Worth Considering
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Sennheiser HD 620S - Does It Deserve A Spot In The 6 Series?

Any headphone laying claim to a spot within Sennheiser's hallowed 6 series needs to have the chops to back it up, and therein lies the question: Is the HD 620S actually good enough to be *the* 6 series closed back, or has the HD 620S been placed in a series it neither lives up to nor competes with? Let's talk about it.

Sennheiser HD 569: Sennheiser's Best Kept Secret?
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Sennheiser HD 569: Sennheiser's Best Kept Secret?

A headphone being old and scarcely mentioned doesn’t automatically mean it's bad. In fact, HD 569 might be my favorite mid-fi closed back headphone. Why is that, and more importantly, why does nobody talk about this headphone? Join me as I try a headphone from seven years ago in the hopes of finding an undiscovered gem.

Sennheiser HD 660S2: Strike Two
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Sennheiser HD 660S2 vs. HD 600 and 650: Which is REALLY better?

Sennheiser is the only company that gets the entire headphone sphere excited when they release a new product, but it seems they've forgotten why people love them—and the 6 series—in the first place. Let’s talk about why I think so, how their new HD 660S2 embodies this disconnect, and what I think they can do to fix it.

Sennheiser HD 490 Pro: Incrementalist
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Sennheiser HD 490 Pro: Incrementalist

In a world that doesn't include HD 600 or 650, I might actually take HD 490 Pro over most of the other stuff in its price range. While it's not as good as I had hoped, I still found myself using it without EQ for extended periods of time without glaring comfort or sound issues... and frankly, I’m not sure I could do that with most of the other headphones at its price.

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The Case for Comfort: Why Sound Quality Isn't Everything

Is sound quality really the most important quality of a headphone, or could it be something else? Join listener as they share research and hands-on experience in an effort to answer this question, as well as options they feel excel at a variety of things a headphone user may find important.

Focal Elex Review: I've Been Looking for this HD600 Upgrade!
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Focal Elex Review: I've Been Looking for this HD600 Upgrade!

Sennheiser HE-1: These $60,000 Headphones Might Make You Cry
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Sennheiser HE-1: These $60,000 Headphones Might Make You Cry

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Resolve’s 2023 Headphone Wall of Fame

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Sennheiser IE200 Review - A Breath of Fresh Air

Sennheiser IE 300 Review - How does Sennheiser's new in-ear monitor perform?
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Sennheiser IE 300 Review - How does Sennheiser's new in-ear monitor perform?