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Sennheiser HD 620S - Perhaps Unexciting, But Worth Considering
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Sennheiser HD 620S - Does It Deserve A Spot In The 6 Series?

Any headphone laying claim to a spot within Sennheiser's hallowed 6 series needs to have the chops to back it up, and therein lies the question: Is the HD 620S actually good enough to be *the* 6 series closed back, or has the HD 620S been placed in a series it neither lives up to nor competes with? Let's talk about it.

Truthear GATe - New Ultra-Budget King?
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Truthear GATe - New Ultra-Budget King?

The Hola was Truthear’s first entry into the ultra-budget space, and it was an exceptionally-balanced offering. Now we’ve gotten its replacement with the GATe, and the question must be answered: after Truthear discontinued what was arguably their most universally-beloved IEM, is the GATe actually a worthy replacement?

Sennheiser HD 569: Sennheiser's Best Kept Secret?
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Sennheiser HD 569: Sennheiser's Best Kept Secret?

A headphone being old and scarcely mentioned doesn’t automatically mean it's bad. In fact, HD 569 might be my favorite mid-fi closed back headphone. Why is that, and more importantly, why does nobody talk about this headphone? Join me as I try a headphone from seven years ago in the hopes of finding an undiscovered gem.

DUNU x Gizaudio DaVinci: Are we in the Renaissance of IEMs?
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DUNU x Gizaudio DaVinci: Are we in the Renaissance of IEMs?

The DUNU x Gizaudio DaVinci is an IEM that’s making waves in the community for its compliance with what many are calling “the new tuning meta.” But does it live up to the hype? Join listener as they discuss why—with IEMs like DaVinci—we may in fact be in the midst of an IEM Renaissance.

Sennheiser HD 660S2: Strike Two
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Sennheiser HD 660S2 vs. HD 600 and 650: Which is REALLY better?

Sennheiser is the only company that gets the entire headphone sphere excited when they release a new product, but it seems they've forgotten why people love them—and the 6 series—in the first place. Let’s talk about why I think so, how their new HD 660S2 embodies this disconnect, and what I think they can do to fix it.

Moondrop x Crinacle DUSK: An Inconvenient Truth
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Moondrop x Crinacle DUSK: An Inconvenient Truth

Crinacle's new DUSK was an IEM that was uniquely positioned to fulfill the wishes of consumers asking for an IEM tuned with the Brüel and Kjaer Type 5128 in mind. However, due to the reliance on the DSP cable to grant that wish, saying "Buy DUSK" isn't quite as simple this time around.

Sennheiser HD 490 Pro: Incrementalist
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Sennheiser HD 490 Pro: Incrementalist

In a world that doesn't include HD 600 or 650, I might actually take HD 490 Pro over most of the other stuff in its price range. While it's not as good as I had hoped, I still found myself using it without EQ for extended periods of time without glaring comfort or sound issues... and frankly, I’m not sure I could do that with most of the other headphones at its price.

Diffuse Field: Calculate, Characterize, Calibrate
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Diffuse Field: Calculate, Characterize, Calibrate

Head-Related Transfer Functions have become a common topic of discussion now that have incorporated the Brüel and Kjaer Type 5128 into our roster of measurement fixtures, but some still aren't sure what HRTFs are, how we're using them, or most importantly—why we're using them. Join listener as they break down the myriad reasons why chooses to calibrate measurements using the Diffuse Field HRTF.

Audeze MM-100: Mid-Fi Mainstay or Missed Opportunity?
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Audeze MM-100: Mid-Fi Mainstay or Missed Opportunity?

MM-100 is advertised to target those who need a solid headphone for mix referencing, similar to what it’s big brother MM-500—as well as the legendary Sennheiser 6x0 series—attempt to offer. But does it do so well enough to be a compelling option in the headphone world's most competitive price bracket?

Hisenior Mega5EST: Task Failed Successfully
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Hisenior Mega5EST: Task Failed Successfully

Hisenior claim their $550 tribrid is tuned to Harman's IE Target, yet it has garnered recognition for measuring closely to the beloved—and not Harman IE compliant—Subtonic Storm. Is it Harman? Is it a "baby Storm"? Join listener as they discuss why Mega5EST is one of the happiest accidents in today's IEM market.

Symphonium Crimson: The Heir Apparent
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Symphonium Crimson: The Heir Apparent

With the Crimson, Symphonium is seemingly counting on a sonic midpoint between their two best performing products being compelling enough to justify placing it in the flagship seat of their catalog. Does Crimson live up to the expectations placed upon it by being the next in Symphonium’s already stellar lineup?

  • Features

The Case for Comfort: Why Sound Quality Isn't Everything

Is sound quality really the most important quality of a headphone, or could it be something else? Join listener as they share research and hands-on experience in an effort to answer this question, as well as options they feel excel at a variety of things a headphone user may find important.