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Focal Lensys Professional: Better than Azurys?
Focal's Lensys Professional is a new closed back headphone that looks very similar to Focal's new Azurys—listener's Best Headphone of 2024—but is $150 more expensive. Which raises the question: which is actually better?

Buying Guide: Best Over-Ear Headphones of 2024
Join listener as they go over what they believe to be the best options out there for buying over-ear headphones in 2024

Closed back showdown! Sennheiser HD620S vs Focal Azurys
There are some new heavy-hitters in the world of hi-fi closed back headphones. In this video, DMS compares the new HD620S to the Azurys.

New Focal headphones for 2024! Azurys & Hadenys Review
In this video Resolve does a technical deep dive on the Azurys and Hadenys to see how they stack up to the competition, and how they perform relative to headphones in Focal's existing lineup such as the Clear, Elex and Radiance.

Focal Azurys and Hadenys Dual Review: The Focal Evolution
Focal recently announced two new headphones: the closed-back Azurys ($549) and open-back Hadenys ($699). Fc-Constructs gives us a deep dive into their sound and compares them against other benchmark headphones to see where they stand in the market.

Bass: The Audiophile's Not-So-Guilty Pleasure
Bass is tough to get right, and it’s crucial to people's enjoyment of music. Many of us have our own take on how bass is best done, but even in acknowledging that preferences may vary wildly: Is there one headphone or IEM that rules them all? Join listener as they explore some of the best, all in search of the answer.