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Truthear GATe - New Ultra-Budget King?
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Truthear GATe - New Ultra-Budget King?

The Hola was Truthear’s first entry into the ultra-budget space, and it was an exceptionally-balanced offering. Now we’ve gotten its replacement with the GATe, and the question must be answered: after Truthear discontinued what was arguably their most universally-beloved IEM, is the GATe actually a worthy replacement?

Bass: The Audiophile's Not-So-Guilty Pleasure
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Bass: The Audiophile's Not-So-Guilty Pleasure

Bass is tough to get right, and it’s crucial to people's enjoyment of music. Many of us have our own take on how bass is best done, but even in acknowledging that preferences may vary wildly: Is there one headphone or IEM that rules them all? Join listener as they explore some of the best, all in search of the answer.