Authors - Douglas Stephens

DMS interviews Sennheiser at regarding the HD 505 Copper Edition
Sennheiser's HD 505 is finally here, but DMS has questions for Sennheiser. Join him and Sennheiser's PR Manager Eric Palonen as they discuss the new HD 505 and what this release means for Sennheiser's lineup going forward.

Headphones have evolved! - Auribus Acoustics Sierra Review
Auribus Acoustics has returned with a new project named "Sierra" meant to offer a fully-extended presentation with all-day comfort, but does it accomplish that?

Making the MOST powerful iPod
DMS loves his iPod. So much so that he willingly subjected himself to a condensed, time-crunched development hell in order to make something cool—The Most Powerful iPod—and have it ready in time for CanJam SoCal 2024.

FiiO FT-1 Review: A truly excellent budget closed back
FiiO has been consistently releasing budget over-ear headphones for the past year or two, and with the FT-1 they've released what might be their best yet.

This is the PERFECT Headphone for you! - DMS's Ultimate Headphone Buying Guide
Have you ever wanted the ultimate headphone buying guide, which actually changed the recommendation based on the answers you gave? Well, DMS has made this a reality, give it a shot by watching the video on YouTube and following the instructions.

USB-C HiFi? Beyerdynamic Pro X USB-C Cable Review
Beyerdynamic has released a new USB-C Amp/DAC cable that makes a measurable difference on their headphones, which begs the question: if there's a tuning change, what change did they end up choosing?

Closed back showdown! Sennheiser HD620S vs Focal Azurys
There are some new heavy-hitters in the world of hi-fi closed back headphones. In this video, DMS compares the new HD620S to the Azurys.

FiiO JT1: $69 headphones with... potential
FiiO has been filling out their catalog of over-ear headphones in the last few years, but how does their newest ultra-affordable semi-open back headphone sound?

Did they make a closed HD600? - Sennheiser HD620S review
People have been asking Sennheiser for a closed back 6-series headphone for years now, and here it is... but how does it sound?

Bass cannons from Japan! Final Audio D7000 vs D8000 pro
In this video DMS compares the NEW Final D7000 to the Final D8000 Pro! What's the difference?