Andrew Park

Andrew Park


While Andrew has been a headphone reviewer for the past five years, he started his audio journey back in 2010 and has been building up his experience with high end equipment ever since. Andrew grew up surrounded by musicians and has an academic background, having done his Masters degree in perceptual theory and his approach to product evaluations stems from these two influences.

The headphone hobby first got its hooks in for Andrew when he bought an original HiFiMAN HE-500 planar magnetic headphone back when it first came out. Not having the space for a full-sized speaker setup, for a music lover this was the next best thing, and really the first eye-opening experience as to what sound delivery from headphones could be. Since then he’s gone on to own many different headphones over the years with a wide range of sound, but his preferences still lean towards a neutral, detailed presentation.

His preferred music genres include jazz, acoustic, and generally music with instruments, and his favorite headphones currently are the HiFiMAN Susvara and Focal Utopia, which in Andrew’s opinion are two of the very best at what they do well. His interests within the headphone space at the moment centers around drawing the connection between data captured by headphone measurements and perceptual experiences with headphones that haven’t yet been clearly understood in terms of existing metrics.

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Don't Buy Headphones Until You Watch This!

The Headphone Show's Audiophile Test Tracks

Audio reviewers Resolve, DMS, GoldenSound and Listener give their audiophile playlists, both for testing new gear and the music they enjoy.

Beyerdynamic Aventho 300 Review - What happened here?
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Beyerdynamic Aventho 300 Review - What happened here?

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Hifiman HE1000 Unveiled Review - This Time It IS Just Better

Resolve was less than enthusiastic about the "unveiled" concept as it pertained to Hifiman's new Susvara Unveiled. But this time around, with the HE1000 Unveiled, does he feel better about the balance of compromises it offers? Watch to find out!

Moondrop's BEST Over-ear Headphone - Moondrop Cosmo Review
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Moondrop's BEST Over-ear Headphone - Moondrop Cosmo Review

The Moondrop Cosmo is an example of a headphone that has a unique sound signature, and deviates from the traditional headphone tuning norms in several places, and yet it still sounds good. This is tasteful coloration done well. See what Resolve has to say about it.

Video thumbnail for HarmonicDyne x Zeos Eris Review
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HarmonicDyne x Zeos Eris Review

Resolve and GoldenSound have teamed up to look at the latest collab from Z Reviews, the HarmonicDyne Eris. Touted as a bass monster, the question they try to answer in this video is what actually IS great bass? and whether or not the Eris is worthy of such a title. Spoiler - this is a headphone for the most unhinged mid-bass enthusiasts among us. But is that a good thing?

Video thumbnail for I would buy this! - Aune AR5000 Review
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I would buy this! - Aune AR5000 Review

In this video, Resolve provides his Aune AR5000 review with measurements, and compares it to other well known mid-priced headphones like the Sennheiser HD 600, HiFiMAN Sundara and a number of other open back headphones worth considering.

Video thumbnail for Drop + Grell OAE1 - It's NOT just about soundstage
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Drop + Grell OAE1 - It's NOT just about soundstage

Resolve gives his perspective on the Drop + Grell OAE1 open back headphones. This headphone has a very unique design to it and goes after a new concept in audio, angling the drivers very far to the front of the cup. In this video, we check out how it turns out in practice.